
Course Name: Scripting Language


  1. Michael Ferikson
  2. Enrico Hugo
  3. Timothy Viandy

FreelanceMe is a website project for Scripting Language course. It is an e-Commerce website of freelance service. User can search for type of freelance service that he/she need and then book an appointment.

The problem that could be find in building this website is that there will be so many Freelancers signing up and to be displayed. Therefore, we should use a good searching systems that can show the appropriate options to the user in timely and accurate manner.

The aim of this website is to build a comfortable and dynamic e-commerce website for the users to search for their needs of freelance service(s).

We will design the website using several applications such as: mySQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Here are some screenshot preview of the website:

You can also learn how to create the website on this tutorial video: